- Chitraka, also known as Plumbago zeylanica, is a plant that is native to India and Sri Lanka. It is a perennial herb with medicinal properties. Chitraka is known for its pungent and bitter taste and has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for various purposes. It is often used to treat respiratory conditions, digestive issues, and as a topical application for skin ailments. The root of the Chitraka plant is particularly valued for its therapeutic properties and is commonly used in Ayurvedic remedies. There are three species of Chitraka depending on the color of the flowers – red, white, blue or violet Chitraka. Among these, White chitrak is most commonly used as a herb.
- RASA - katu
- GUNA - laghu, tikshna, rooksha
- VIRYA - ushna
- VIPAKA - katu
- EFFECT ON TRIDOSHA - pacifies kapha & vata, balances pitta.
- powerful carminative,
- anti-inflammatory,
- aphrodisiac,
- libido-stimulant,
- expectorant,
- diuretic,
- androgenic,
- analgesic,
- spermatogenic,
- anti-convulsant,
- anti-amnesiac,
- adaptogenic,
- anti-pyretic,
- muscle-relaxant properties
Chitrak is extensively used for the treatment and management of :
- piles,
- indigestion,
- constipation,
- obesity,
- sexual problems,
- erectile dysfunction,
- loss of libido,
- fever,
- asthma,
- rheumatic arthritis,
- bleeding,
- stress,
- anxiety,
- anemia,
- diarrhoea,
- intestinal worms,
- urinary tract disorders,
- digestive disorders.