Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological condition in which the death of brain cells causes a decline in thinking skills and memory. It is the most common cause of dementia. This disease causes a decline in memory, learning, thinking and organizing skills over time. It usually affects people over the age of 65; it affects a person’s ability to carry out basic daily activities. There is a difference in a dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia is a state of a person’s mental function; it is not a specific disease. It is a decline in mental function from a previously higher level that is a severe enough to interfere with daily living. A person with dementia has difficulties in memory, language, behavior and personality, understanding visual form and space relationship. The higher your age over 65, the more likely you will develop Alzheimer’s; it mainly affects people at the age of 65.
Causes of Alzheimer’s disease-
Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the abnormal buildup of certain proteins inside and outside of brain cells, which make it difficult for the cells to communicate with each other and function properly. Amyloid protein and tau protein causes brain cells to die.
Risk factors -
Several factors are known to increase your risk of developing the condition. Risk factors includes-
- Age
- Genetics
- Depression
- Traumatic head injury
- Cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Obesity
- High cholesterol
The following things may help decrease your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease:
- Get physically active
- Stay mentally active
- Stay socially active
- Eat healthily
Signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease-
- Memory
- Understanding visual form and space relationship
- Language
- Reasoning and handling of complex tasks
- Behavior and personality
Symptoms of the mild stage of Alzheimer’s disease include-
- Having difficulty problem –solving
- Having difficulty finding the right words to express thoughts
- Losing or misplacing objects more than usual
- Having difficulty making plans or organizing
- Taking longer to complete routine daily tasks
Moderate stage symptoms-
- Have growing confusion about which day of the week it is, which season they are in and where they are.
- Have poor short term memory
- Have difficulty in recognizing family and friends
- Need help with self-care such as showering, grooming, bathing
- Develop urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence
- Have sleep disturbances
- Repeat stories, events or thoughts that are on their minds
- Severe stage symptoms-
- Is unaware of their surroundings
- Has almost total memory loss
- Needs help with all basic activities of everyday living, such as sitting, eating and walking
- Loses their ability to communicate, their speech becomes limited to a few words or phrases
- Becomes vulnerable to infections such as pneumonia and skin infections
Management of Alzheimer’s disease according to Ayurveda-
In Ayurveda, Alzheimer disease is classified as a smritibhrmsha.The Vata dosha is mainly vitiated. It occurs because of intake of unwholesome diet which leads to increase in tamas and rajas gunas. In this condition accumulation of ama occurs at cellular level due to blockage of channels.When digestive agni gets disturbed then the metabolism of body is affected. The accumulation of waste inside the brain leads to occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. It is considered to be a yapya roga in Ayurveda.
For the treatment of Alzheimers disease Panchkarma is very helpful . Ayurvedic herbs that are effective in improving memory and brain power.
- Brahmi
- Ashwagandha
- Curcumin
- Jatamansi
- Yashtimadhu
Yoga asana-
- Siddhasana
- Vrikshasana
- Shirshasana
- vajrasana
1. Nerve Plus tablet:
These tablets shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and immune- modulator properties. It contains herbal ingredients Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), Giloy satav (Tinospora crdifolia), shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, shudha vatsnabh, shudh singraf. It is beneficial for erectile dysfunction, diseases of stomach, stimulating nerves and appetite, promotes the level of testosterone naturally.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
2. Brodley Syrup
This herbal syrup consist of ingredients like Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Yashti madhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Dhania (Coriandrum sativum), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), etc that improves memory. Brodley syrup deal with the signs and symptoms related to Alzheimer patients.Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
3. Rasayan Vati
Rasayan vati is herbo-mineral Ayurvdic formulation which contains various herbs such as Aswagandha, Shilajeet, Amla, Kesar, Musali, Shatavar, Brahmi, Swarn Makshik Bhasam, Yashad Bhasam, Mukta pisti, Praval pisti, Jaiphal, Vang Bhasam, Aswagandha, Dalchini, Javitri, Gokhru, Kaunch Beej, Shilajeet, Saunth, Mirch, Pipli, Amla, Kesar, Manjith, Anant Mool, Brahmi, Musali, Shatavar, Swarn Vang, etc. These ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immune-modulator properties. These tablets provides good results in General debility, Psychological disorders,and improves immunity.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
4. Stress Care Tablet
Stress care tablet is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, Tagar, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also helps to increase the mental and physical performance.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
5. Brain Relaxant Churna
This herbal churna is prepared from herb Atmagupta (Mucuna pruriens). The herb normalizes the nerve cell functions and supports brain function. It provides effective results in Alzheimer disease as it maintains the overall performance of the nervous system.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
6. Immuno Up Powder
This powder is made up of the composition of bhasmas and pure herbs that is very beneficial in controlling the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The powder includes Giloy satav, Sutshekhar rasa, Sudhyog tablet, Shwet parpati, Shankh bhasma, Parwal pishti, etc. It is a very useful remedy to cure the voice change, uncontrollable movements during sleep, improve the rigid facial expression, etc.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.