Keloid is a type of raised scar on the skin. This is an abnormal proliferation of scar tissue that forms on the skin at the site of injury. When an injury occurs to the skin, scar tissue forms over it that repairs and protects the injury. In some cases, the extra scar tissue hardens and grows into a form called a keloid. This can happen on a skin burn, cut, or severe acne. Keloids can also occur after body piercing, tattoos or any surgery. Sometimes it appears 3 months or more after the skin injury and continues to grow for a few years.
The keloid can be bigger than the wound. It mostly occurs on the chest, shoulders, earlobes, and cheeks. However it can affect any part of the body. Let me tell you, it does not harm the body in any way.
Keloids occur due to overgrowth of scar tissue. It can take weeks to months to fully develop. It usually has the following symptoms:
- Pinkish or reddish flesh
- A lump or raised area of raised skin
- A part of the skin that grows over time with scar tissue
- An itchy patch on the skin
Keloid scars can be itchy, but they are not harmful to health. It is usually a growing scar on a flat surface. Its color darkens with time. You may feel some kind of discomfort, tenderness and irritation due to this. It can also occur over a large part of the body, but it is rare. When this happens, hard and tight scar tissue can inhibit movement.
- Acne scars
- Burns
- Cuts
- Puncture wounds
- Surgical scars
- Severe acne
- Insect bites
- Injection sites
- Tattoos
- Chickenpox scars
- Ear piercing
- Scratches
- Surgical incision sites
- Vaccination sites
An estimated 10 percent of people experience keloid scarring. Men and women are equally likely to have keloid scars. People who have dark skin tone are more prone to it.
Other RISK FACTORS associated with keloid formation include:
- Are you dark skinned, Latino or Asian
- You are under 30
- You are pregnant
- You are a teenager going through puberty
- Having a history of keloids in your family
Its treatment is sometimes difficult and not always effective. To prevent this, try to prevent injury to the skin. Because these can cause keloid scars. If there is an injury, then press the area using a silicone gel pad. It can help prevent keloid. Sun exposure or tanning can cause scar tissue to be a darker color than the surrounding skin. This can also cause the keloid to come out more.
Doctors diagnose a keloid based on a history of tissue injury, such as surgery, acne or body piercing, based on how the skin looks. In rare cases, the doctor may remove a small piece of skin and examine it under a microscope, called a biopsy.
Corticosteroid shots: The medicine in these shots helps in reducing the scar. Freezing the scar: This is called cryotherapy. It is used to reduce the hardness and size of keloid. This works best on smaller keloids. Wearing silicone sheets or gel over the scar: This helps to lay the keloid flat.
Laser therapy: In this, the keloid and its surrounding skin are flattened using high beam light. Along with this, its color is also faded.
Surgical Removal: In this, the keloid is cut. Most keloids come back after treatment.
Pressure Treatment: After keloid surgery, pressure on the area reduces blood flow. This prevents the keloid from coming back.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
If you want to get rid of keloids, apple cider vinegar can help you. You mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water. Now with the help of a cotton or cotton ball, apply this mixture on the keloids and leave it for 30 minutes. You can do this 1 or 2 times every day.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is full of many benefits from eating to applying on the skin. Aloe vera works as a very beneficial and effective home remedy in treating every skin problem. For this, you clean the affected skin with lukewarm water and then you put fresh gel extracted from aloe vera leaves on it and apply it on that part of the skin. You can keep it for at least 30 minutes or if you prefer, all night. The antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties present in aloe vera help in healing the wounds of keloids.
3. Honey
Like its sweet taste, honey is full of many good and beneficial benefits. Honey helps as a home remedy for keloids and prevents dead skin cells from accumulating in the affected area. It has the properties of increasing your blood circulation and healing keloids. You can massage daily for some time by applying fresh honey on the keloids. After this you leave it for 1 hour and then wash it off with water. You can do this every night or day.
4. Sandalwood and Rose Water
The healing properties of sandalwood and rose water can help in the treatment of keloids. The mixture made from these two has skin regenerating properties. Make a paste by adding rose water as required along with 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder daily. Now apply this paste every night before going to bed and leave it on for the whole night. If you do this every night, then you will get rid of keloids soon.
5. Garlic
Garlic is also a very good and simple way to get rid of keloids. You grind it by adding 2 cloves with 2 cloves of garlic, now you apply this paste on the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes. This will help you get rid of the problem of keloids. You can do this 2 or 3 times every day.
According to Vagabhatta a Keloid is known as Vranagranthi and is a result of vitiated doshas spontaneously or after an injury or damage to the area. Sometimes these keloids can subside on their own also and other times the scar tissue persists. Our method of approach is to resolve keloid without further irritating it causing it to grow.
For this in CAC we have formulated following treatment:
Here are some of the medicines of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre which are used for the treatment of eczema:
1. Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
2. Blood Purifier Syrup
The herbal syrup is prepared from herbs like KhadirChall (Acacia catechu), Manjistha (Rubiacordifolia), Neem (Azadirachtaindica), Giloy (Tinosporacordifolia), Harad (Terminaliabellirica), Baheda (Terminaliachebula), &Amla (Emblicaofficinalis) that acts as a natural blood purifier. This herbal syrup reduces redness, itchiness, swelling on the skin.Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
3. Panchtikat Ghrit Guggul
This herbal preparation contain ingredients like Neem (Azadirachtaindica), Patola (Trichosanthesdioica), Guduchi (Tinosporacordifolia), Vasa (Adhatodavasica), Patha (Cissampelospariera), Vidanga (Embeliaribes), etc that relieves all skin diseases. It balances Pitta &Kaphadosha in the body.Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water.
4. Twak Churna
TwakChurna balances all the three doshas of your body. It help reduce symptoms of various skin diseases like ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, cure FRECKLES, and other skin allergies. It help reduce Pigmentation of skin, MELASMA over face and Acne along with Urticaria, Cellulites and all kinds of Dermatitis. It contain ingredients like Yashtimadhu and Manjishtha that possess antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoon twice daily with normal water.
5. Skin Care Tablet
Skin care tablet is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It help to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridrakhand, Panchnimbchurna, Khadirchahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, removes stagnant blood and dissolves obstructions in the blood flow that further increase blood circulation of the skin.Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
6. Twak Tailam
TWAK TAILAM is the herbal oil and is purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC TwakTailam provides relief from various skin problems such as pimples, blemishes, scars, ulcers, wounds, skin rashes, dry patches, itching, skin irritation, reduces redness, etc. It is composed of natural herbs that pacifies all three doshas and provides healthy skin. This oil is made up of pure herbs such as yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra), manjistha (Rubiacordifolia). Twaktailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, delays the process of ageing, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification, blood purification without any side effects.Recommended Dosage: Apply to affected area twice daily.