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Case Study: Damandeep Singh – Fissure and Piles

by Dr Vaid Ji on Oct 04, 2024

Case Study: Damandeep Singh – Fissure and Piles

Mr. Damandeep Singh from Punjab, had been suffering from fissure and piles for the past 3 years. His condition caused him severe pain during bowel movements, occasional bleeding, and a constant feeling of discomfort and itching in the anal region. Despite trying multiple treatments, including allopathic medications, ointments, and dietary changes, he found little to no relief. His symptoms worsened over time, severely affecting his daily routine and causing emotional distress.

Medical History:

  • Fissure: Chronic anal fissures causing sharp pain during defecation.
  • Piles (Hemorrhoids): Both internal and external piles with occasional swelling, bleeding, and itching.
  • Previous Treatments: Over-the-counter creams, stool softeners, and dietary fiber supplements were used with no lasting relief. Pain and discomfort persisted, making it difficult for him to sit for prolonged periods.

Consultation at Chandigarh Ayurved Centre:

In search of a more permanent solution, Mr. Singh visited the Chandigarh Ayurved Centre. After a detailed consultation, his condition was diagnosed as a result of aggravated Pitta and Vata doshas, along with a buildup of toxins (ama) in the body. His digestive imbalance, combined with constipation, had led to the formation of fissures and hemorrhoids.

Ayurvedic Diagnosis:

  • Aggravated Pitta: Responsible for the inflammation, bleeding, and burning sensation in the anal region.
  • Aggravated Vata: Contributing to constipation, pain, and discomfort.
  • Ama (Toxins): Accumulation of toxins due to poor digestion and irregular bowel movements.

Ayurvedic Treatment Plan:

The treatment approach aimed to pacify Pitta and Vata doshas, improve digestion, and heal the fissures and piles naturally without the need for surgery. The following Ayurvedic medicines and therapies were prescribed:

  1. Herbal Medicines:

    • Arshkalp Vati: A potent Ayurvedic formulation for treating piles and fissures, helping to shrink hemorrhoids and reduce bleeding and itching.
    • Triphala Churna: A natural laxative that regulated bowel movements, reduced constipation, and detoxified the digestive system.
    • Panchasakar Churna: Another herbal remedy to improve digestion and relieve constipation, ensuring smooth bowel movements without straining.
    • Nirgundi Oil: Applied externally to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation in the affected area.
    • Kankayan Vati: To reduce inflammation and heal internal piles.
  2. Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications:

    • A Pitta and Vata pacifying diet was recommended, focusing on fiber-rich, cooling, and easy-to-digest foods to prevent constipation and soothe inflammation.
    • Mr. Singh was advised to increase his intake of water, fresh fruits, and vegetables to keep his stools soft and ensure regular bowel movements.
    • Spicy, fried, and excessively oily foods were restricted as they aggravate Pitta and worsen piles.
    • Gentle physical activity, like walking and yoga, was encouraged to improve digestion and prevent further complications.
  3. Lifestyle Tips:

    • Warm Sitz Baths: To relieve pain and itching and promote healing of the fissures.
    • Avoid Straining: Mr. Singh was advised to avoid straining during bowel movements to prevent worsening of the condition.


After 4 weeks of following the Ayurvedic treatment regimen, Mr. Singh experienced remarkable improvements:

  • Pain and Discomfort: The intense pain during bowel movements reduced significantly, allowing him to defecate comfortably without discomfort.
  • Bleeding and Itching: The bleeding from piles stopped completely, and the itching and swelling were also reduced.
  • Bowel Movements: His constipation was resolved, with regular and smooth bowel movements due to the combined effect of Triphala and Panchasakar Churna.
  • Overall Well-being: Mr. Singh’s digestive health improved, and he no longer felt the constant discomfort that had been troubling him for years. His confidence and quality of life were restored.


Mr. Damandeep Singh’s case highlights the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicines in treating chronic fissures and piles without the need for invasive procedures. Through the right combination of herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications, he was able to achieve complete relief from his painful condition. The holistic approach of Ayurveda addressed the root cause of his problem, bringing him long-lasting relief and improved digestive health.