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Case Study: Sagar Arora – Digestive Issues, Insomnia, and Body Pain

by Dr Vaid Ji on Oct 03, 2024

Case Study: Sagar Arora – Digestive Issues, Insomnia, and Body Pain

Mr. Sagar Arora, a 35-year-old from Dehradun, had been battling various digestive issues and related symptoms for over 4 years. He suffered from gas, acidity, bloating, indigestion, constipation, along with insomnia and generalized body pain. Despite trying multiple treatments, including allopathic medicines and dietary changes, his symptoms persisted. His condition was impacting both his professional life and personal well-being.

Medical History:

  • Digestive Complaints:
    • Persistent gas and bloating, especially after meals.
    • Frequent episodes of acidity, with burning sensations in the chest and throat.
    • Irregular bowel movements, with alternating constipation and discomfort.
    • Indigestion, resulting in a constant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, leading to daytime fatigue.
  • Body Pain: Mild but constant aches, especially in the lower back and legs, worsened by poor sleep and digestive discomfort.
  • Previous Treatments: Antacids, laxatives, and over-the-counter medications for digestive issues, but with only temporary relief.

Consultation at Chandigarh Ayurved Centre:

Seeking a more holistic and long-term solution, Mr. Arora consulted the Chandigarh Ayurved Centre. A detailed examination revealed that his digestive problems were rooted in an imbalance of Pitta and Vata doshas, leading to excessive heat (aggravated Pitta) and dryness (Vata imbalance) in his body. The treatment plan aimed at restoring balance, improving digestion, detoxifying his body, and enhancing his overall well-being.

Ayurvedic Diagnosis:

  • Pitta-Vata Imbalance: Aggravated Pitta caused excessive acidity and heat, while Vata imbalance led to bloating, constipation, and insomnia.
  • Accumulation of Ama (toxins): Digestive weakness and toxin accumulation were causing indigestion, bloating, and constipation.

Ayurvedic Treatment Plan:

The treatment approach involved a combination of herbal medicines, Panchakarma therapies, and lifestyle modifications aimed at pacifying the aggravated doshas, detoxifying the body, and restoring proper digestion.

  1. Herbal Remedies:

    • Arogyavardhini Vati: To improve digestion and detoxify the liver.
    • Avipattikar Churna: For relieving acidity, constipation, and indigestion.
    • Triphala: A mild laxative to cleanse the digestive tract and regulate bowel movements.
    • Shankh Bhasma: To balance Pitta and reduce acidity and bloating.
    • Ashwagandha: To reduce stress, improve sleep, and alleviate body pain.
  2. Panchakarma Therapies:

    • Abhyanga (Full-body Oil Massage): Medicated oils were applied to relieve body pain, improve circulation, and calm Vata imbalance.
    • Swedana (Herbal Steam Therapy): Administered post-abhyanga to promote sweating, remove toxins, and relax muscles.
    • Shirodhara: A calming therapy where a stream of warm oil was poured over the forehead, helping to relieve insomnia, anxiety, and stress.
    • Basti (Medicated Enema): To cleanse the colon, regulate bowel movements, and balance Vata.
  3. Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications:

    • A Pitta-Vata pacifying diet: Focused on reducing spicy, sour, and overly dry foods, and increasing the intake of cooling, hydrating, and nourishing foods like ghee, milk, and fresh vegetables.
    • Eating regular meals at the same time each day to regulate digestion.
    • Avoidance of processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol, which aggravated his digestive issues and insomnia.
    • Introduction of yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) to promote relaxation and improve digestion.


After a month of consistent Ayurvedic treatment and Panchakarma therapies, Mr. Arora experienced significant improvements in his overall health:

  • Digestive Health: His gas, bloating, and acidity were reduced by 80%, with much-improved digestion and regular bowel movements.
  • Constipation: No longer a concern, with normal and smooth bowel habits.
  • Insomnia: His sleep quality improved, allowing him to sleep through the night without interruptions, leading to more energy and reduced fatigue during the day.
  • Body Pain: The generalized aches and pains in his body, particularly in his lower back and legs, decreased significantly.


Mr. Sagar Arora’s case demonstrates the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment and Panchakarma therapy in addressing chronic digestive issues, insomnia, and body pain. Through a holistic approach, focusing on balancing the body’s doshas, detoxifying the system, and making necessary lifestyle changes, Mr. Arora achieved substantial relief from his long-standing health problems and regained his overall vitality.