Brahmi , also called Bacopa monnieri, belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae. The term brahmi is derived from the word “Brahma” which refers to the mythical God of creation in Hindu mythology.
Properties of Brahmi
- It may have analgesic potential
- It may have anti- inflammatory potential
- It may have anti-depressant property
- It may have antioxidant property
- It may have beneficial properties for liver health
- It may have anxiolytic property
- It may have sedative potential
- It may have immune-stimulatory potential
- It may have anti-ulcer potential
Benefits of brahmi
- Brahmi helps in inflammation- related diseases such as gout, arthritis, and other inflammatory illness.
- It regulates blood sugar level; Brahmi is well recognized for controlling blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and may help alleviate hypoglycemic symptoms.
- It is great for hair and skin
- Improves liver function- brahmi helps promote liver function and supports natural detoxification
- Brahmi is considered as a brain tonic for people of all ages and genders.
- Improves sleep patterns, it can help improve sleep patterns and reduce insomnia by reducing hyperactivity and stress
- Helpful in anxiety and stress, Brahmi can help keep your mind centered and focused on things that matter.
How Brahmi will helpful in Insomnia?
- According to Ayurveda, the vitiation of the three doshas { vata, pitta and kapha) either taken together or individually may result insomnia. All factors, that are responsible for the aggravation of vata and pitta , along with environmental and dietary factors play an important role in sleep disturbances.
- Sleep disorders have now become common due to stressful lifestyles and unbalanced dietary habits. A lot of factors work against sleeping such as wrong sleeping habits, eating an unhealthy diet, stress, overuse of technology, anxiety etc.
- In Ayurveda Nidra or sleep is one of three pillars that drive the life force , according to Ayurveda , sleeping regulates the self-detoxification process of the body and helps in the removal of Ama or toxins from the body, which are the main causes of health disorders and diseases. Brahmi can help you sleep better.
- Brahmi pacifies and balances Pitta dosha, while also reducing excess kapha from the body, brahmi also extremely efficient in balancing Vata dosha.
- Brahmi helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It reduces cortisol levels in the body and elevates mood. Sleep and anxiety are the major causes of sleep disorders. Use of brahmi helps to induce sleep. It also improves brain functions and boosts the nervous system which helps in calming down the hyperactive nerves and put them in a relaxed state, ensuring a good sleep.
- Brahmi has its ability to pacify and balance all three doshas, it is considered one of the most best herbs in Ayurveda. It not only helpful in insomnia but also other sleeping disorders that affect the proper functioning of the body.
Benefits of Brahmi Capsule
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Ease the symptoms of alzeihmers disease
- Responsible for intelligence
- Improve function of nervous system
- Lower blood pressure level
Dosage – 1 Capsule morning and evening or as directed by physicians.
Dr Vaid Ji Brahmi capsules are herbal and purely ayurvedic formulation. Brahmi help Promote mental fitness, improve brain and nervous system. Brahmi is one of the world’s most powerful adaptogens. Brahmi help improve mental clarity, overall well being and Boost energy without adverse side effects. Brahmi has Cooling property which keeps the mind calm and free of Anxiety. It also promote sound sleep. Regular consumption of Brahmi strenghthen immune system. It is a good anti oxidant, anti bacterial, anti microbial and best immunity booster.