Urethritis is the medical term for the inflammation of the urethra, which can be caused by various factors, including infections, irritation, or injury. In many cases, it is linked to infections, especially sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Urethritis can be caused by a variety of factors, but the most common cause is infection. The primary causes of urethritis include:
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): The leading causes of infectious urethritis are often sexually transmitted infections, including:
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea)
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Mycoplasma genitalium
- Non-Sexually Transmitted Infections: Urethritis can also result from non-STI infections, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by bacteria like E. coli. These infections can affect the urethra.
- Chemical Irritants: Exposure to chemical irritants, such as soaps, spermicides, or douches, can lead to urethritis by causing irritation and inflammation of the urethra.
- Trauma or Injury: Physical trauma or injury to the urethra, such as during sexual intercourse, urinary catheterization, or other activities, can cause inflammation and lead to urethritis.
- Idiopathic Urethritis: In some cases, the exact cause of urethritis remains unclear, and it is referred to as idiopathic urethritis.
- Foreign Bodies: Occasionally, foreign objects inserted into the urethra, or retained foreign bodies, can cause irritation and inflammation.
- Allergic Reactions: In rare instances, urethritis can be triggered by allergic reactions to certain substances, such as latex condoms.
Common symptoms of urethritis include:
- Painful or burning sensation during urination
- Increased frequency of urination
- Discharge from the urethra, which may be clear, white, yellow, or green.
- Itching or discomfort in the genital area.
- Blood in the urine (hematuria) in severe cases
- Swelling or redness around the urethral opening
Risk Factors:
Several factors can increase the risk of developing urethritis:
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Many cases of urethritis are caused by STIs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Unprotected sexual activity with an infected partner is a significant risk factor.
- Multiple sexual partners: Having multiple sexual partners can increase the risk of exposure to STIs, which can lead to urethritis.
- Age and gender: Young adults and women are at a higher risk, as they are more susceptible to certain STIs.
- Recent urinary catheterization: Having a urinary catheter inserted can sometimes lead to urethritis.
- Irritation or injury: Chemical irritants, such as certain soaps or spermicides, can irritate the urethra and lead to inflammation.
In Ayurveda, urethritis is often classified as "Mutrakrichra" or "Mutravaha Srotas Dushti." Ayurveda views urethritis as an imbalance in the urinary system, specifically involving the "Mutravaha Srotas," which refers to the urinary channel and its associated organs.
Herbal Remedies:
- Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): Gokshura is known for its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to alleviate symptoms of urethritis.
- Sandalwood (Chandana): Sandalwood paste, when applied topically, may help soothe irritation and discomfort in the urethral area.
- Coriander (Dhania): Coriander seeds can be boiled to make a soothing tea that may help reduce inflammation.
- Diet and Lifestyle: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle. Recommendations often include:
- Drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins and keep the urinary system healthy.
- Avoiding spicy, hot, and acidic foods that can irritate the urethra
- Incorporating cooling foods like cucumber and watermelon into your diet.
- Maintaining a regular daily routine and managing stress through techniques like yoga and meditation.
- Triphala: Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal combination, can be used to help cleanse the body and support overall health. It may have a positive impact on the urinary system.
- Ayurvedic abhyanga (oil massage) with cooling oils like coconut or sandalwood oil may help reduce irritation and inflammation.
1. Liver Care TabletThe Liver care tablet of CAC is a herbo mineral pure ayurvedic formulation. It mainly works in balancing pitta doshas. Liver care tablet consists of ingredients like Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Kutaki(Picrorhiza kurroa), Bhumi amla( Phyllanthus niruri), Giloy(Tinospora Cordifolia), Yavakshar( Hordeum vulgare), Imli Kshar( Tamarindus indica), Mukta Shukta pisti etc. Its main function is to improve the circulation of blood. It works against burning sensation of urine, removes urinary infection and other inflammatory conditions.
Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily with plain water after a meal.
2. UTI Care Tablet
It’s a 650 mg pure herbo mineral ayurvedic formulation. It treats the root cause of diseases without any side effects. Along with the UTI problem it also treats problems related to kidney, urinary bladder, urethra and ureters. it consists of ingredients like Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare) -200 mg, Kalmi Shora (Potassium nitrate) -150 mg, Nuashadar (Ammonium chloride) -150 mg, Swarna Gairik (Red ochre) -150 mg. It removes the kidney stones, renal colic, painful micturition, hypertension, and burning sensation during the passage of urine. It has antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties. Also useful in dysuria, pelvic pain, urine incontinence, foul odor, etc
Dosage: take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meal.
3. Trikatu Syrup
Trikatu syrup is pure ayurvedic formulation comprises of mainly three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum). The main function of trikatu syrup is it removes excess of Kapha doshas and supports the respiratory system, helps to reduce body weight and hence detoxifies the body. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties. It boosts metabolism and works in dysuria, painful micturition, and reduce inflammation of the kidney occurs due to any diseases. It is free from chemicals, additives, colors and fillers.
Dosage: 2 tsp. twice daily before a meal.
4. Detox Premium Powder
It is purely an herbal formulation that helps to reduce inflammation and burning sensation caused due to UTI infection. It has an anti-inflammatory action. It also helps to remove toxins due to its antioxidant properties. It comprises of Moti Pishti, Parwal Pishti, Shukta Pishti, Giloy Satav, Kamdudha Ras, Jahar Mohra, Akik Pishti, Gandhak Rasayan, Shankh Bhasma, Sutshekhar Ras, Sudhyog Tab, Shwet Parpati, Yavakshaar. It has an antibacterial action and provides cooling and calming effect to the body.
Dosage: Take one sachet twice a day with normal plain water.
5. Sheet dhara:
It is pure herbo mineral ayurvedic formulation which works on doshas of the body especially pitta doshas. It mainly consists of herbs like Ajwaion, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that provide a cooling effect and helps to reduce burning sensation during micturition. It also controls mood swings, bloating and nausea.
Dosage: Take 1/2 or 1 teaspoon of sheet dhara twice daily empty stomach.