- COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. refers to a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs.
- Emphysema and Chronic bronchitis are two common conditions that contribute to COPD.
Mild COPD (early stage) -
Moderate to Severe COPD
Very Severe COPD
- Emphysema - Is a condition in which destruction of the fragile walls and elastic fibers of the alveoli at the end of the smallest air passages (bronchioles) of the lungs as a result of damaging exposure to cigarette smoke and other irritating gases and particular matter.
- Chronic bronchitis -Is inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs.
- Shortness of breath
- Chest tightness
- Weight loss
- Wheezing
- A chronic cough that produce sputum that may be clear , white , yellow or green.
- Swelling in ankles , feet or legs
- Frequent headache
- Fever
- Age - COPD develops slowly , symptoms develop at least after 40 years of age.
- Genetics - alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency , COPD.
- Occupational exposure to chemicals and dust.
- Tobacco smoke
- Exposure to fumes from the burning fuel
Ayurvedic management of COPD
- In Ayurveda , COPD is referred to as "Tamaka Shwasa" Or " pranavaha srotas Dushti ".
- As per Ayurveda COPD can managed by
- Nidana Parivarjana (avoiding the causative factors).
- Shodhana (purificatory procedures).
- Shamana
- Panchakarma (detoxification)
Vamana , virechana they helps to eliminate excess doshas and toxins from the body.
Haridra (turmeric)
In turmeric curcumin is the active compound , has a antioxidant , anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the lungs.
Eucalyptus oil is often used in aromatherapy to help clear the airways and improve breathing.
Guduchi used in traditional ayurvedic medicine for its immunomodulatory , anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Guduchi help strengthen the respiratory system and improve lung function.
This herb is effective in reducing coughing and chest congestion.
Tulsi / basil
Tulsi is rich in anti- inflammatory , antimicrobial , antioxidant , analgesic properties. This herb is highly beneficial for treating bronchitis , asthma , COPD, common cold , cough.
Liquorice / Mulethi
Mulethi is beneficial remedies for those who suffering from dry cough. It has anti-inflammatory properties.
Yoga and pranayama
- Sukhasana
- Bhujangasana
- Anulom vilom
- kapalbhati
Diet and lifestyle modifications
- A balanced diet rich in fruits , vegetables , whole grains and lean proteins .
- Stay hydrated : drinking plenty of water can help keep mucus thin.
- Avoid respiratory irritants : reduce exposure to air pollution , dust and other irritants .
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Quit smoking
- Regular physical activity acn help improve lung function