- Curry leaves
To prevent beard hair from turning grey, boil some curry leaves in a glass of water for 5 minutes and drink this water daily. By drinking this beard and mustache do not turn white quickly.
To change beard hair from white to black, make a paste of curry and mint leaves, add 2 tablespoon of onion to it and apply it on the white beard.
- Apply cow butter
If you also want to darken your beard and mustache hair naturally, then apply cow butter. Massaging the beard with cow butter does not make the hair turn gray quickly.
- Amla
Grind the amla and keep it in an iron vessel. Leave them like this throughout the night. Apply it on beard in morning. This will make the hair black. If you want, you can also drink Amla juice daily on empty stomach. By drinking this you will start seeing the difference within a few days.
- Raw papaya
It is very helpful in removing skin problems and unwanted hair. If your skin is sensitive then papaya is the best natural ingredient for you. Raw papaya contains an enzyme called papain. It exfoliates the skin in an excellent way and helps you in removing dead cells. By applying its paste on the beard, your white beard soon turns black.
- Alum and rose water
By applying paste made of alum and rose water on your beard hair, you can keep it black for a long time. For this, grind alum and mix its powder with rose water and apply it on the beard.
- Hibiscus
Antioxidants and vitamins are present in hibiscus flowers. Hibiscus produces melanin which makes hair black. You can use it to blacken hair or beard. Hibiscus flowers and leaves soak in water overnight. Apply that water on your beard in the morning, you can do this daily. And you can also apply its powder as a paste on the beard.
- Shikakai- Bhringraj powder
Shikakai and Bhringraj powder can help in getting rid of premature graying hair. Take 1-1 spoon of powder and mix it. Then you can add curd to the mixture or apply it directly by adding water. Apply this paste twice a week; your beard will turn black.