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How to Gain Weight Fast? What are the Herbal Remedies for Natural Weight Gain?

by Dr Vaid Ji on Aug 23, 2024

How to Gain Weight Fast? What are the Herbal Remedies for Natural Weight Gain?

Top 10 Foods for Weight and Muscle Gain:

1. Tofu and Tempeh:
Rich in protein and essential amino acids, these soy products are excellent for muscle growth and weight gain.

2. Legumes (Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Beans):
High in protein and complex carbohydrates, legumes provide the energy and building blocks needed for muscle development.

3. Quinoa:
A complete protein with all nine essential amino acids, quinoa is also rich in carbs, perfect for muscle gain.

4. Nuts and Nut Butters (Almonds, Walnuts, Peanut Butter):
Dense in calories, healthy fats, and protein, nuts are a great snack for adding extra calories and muscle mass.

5. Whole Grains (Brown Rice, Oats, Whole Wheat Bread):
Provide a steady supply of energy and protein, essential for muscle recovery and growth.

6. Greek Yogurt:
High in protein, calcium, and probiotics, Greek yogurt supports muscle building and overall health.

7. Avocado:
Packed with healthy fats and calories, avocados help in gaining healthy weight and support muscle recovery.

8. Chia Seeds and Flaxseeds:
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber, these seeds support muscle growth and provide sustained energy.

9. Cheese (Paneer, Cottage Cheese):
High in protein and healthy fats, cheese is a great option for vegetarians looking to gain muscle and weight.

10. Sweet Potatoes and Other Starchy Vegetables:
High in complex carbohydrates and calories, starchy vegetables provide the energy needed for intense workouts and muscle recovery.

Herbal Remedies for Weight Gain:

DrVaid Ji weight gain tablet is a pure herbal and mineral remedy that contains various natural herbs extract that works on the digestive system and increases energy level, metabolism, absorption of nutrients. 

1. Ashwagandha:
An adaptogen that helps improve muscle mass, strength, and weight gain by reducing stress and boosting energy levels.

2. Fenugreek:
Contains saponins that stimulate appetite and digestion, aiding in weight gain.

3. Ginger:
Enhances digestion and appetite, which can help increase food intake.

4. Licorice Root:
Helps in improving appetite and reducing stress, which can contribute to weight gain.

5. Dandelion Root:
A natural appetite stimulant, often used in herbal teas to aid in weight gain.

6. Blessed Thistle:
Known to stimulate appetite and improve digestion, beneficial for weight gain.

7. Shatavari:
A natural tonic that supports digestion and helps in gaining healthy weight.

8. Ginseng:
Boosts energy levels and appetite, supporting overall weight gain and muscle growth.

9. Triphala:
A combination of three fruits that help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, aiding in healthy weight gain.

10. Fennel Seeds:
Improves digestion and appetite, making it easier to consume more calories.