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What are tbe Best Home Remedies for Irregular periods?

by Dr Vaid Ji on Aug 13, 2024

What are tbe Best Home Remedies for Irregular periods?
Irregular periods, or “Arajaka” in Ayurveda, can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, poor diet, or underlying health issues. Ayurvedic treatments focus on balancing the Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), improving digestion (Agni), and promoting overall reproductive health.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Irregular Periods

1. Ginger Tea:
 How to Use: Boil a small piece of ginger in water, strain, and add honey. Drink this tea daily for a few weeks.
 Benefits: Ginger helps regulate menstrual flow and reduce cramps.

2. Aloe Vera Juice:
 How to Use: Take fresh aloe vera gel, mix it with honey, and consume it before breakfast.
 Benefits: Aloe vera regulates hormones, which helps in regularizing periods.

3. Cinnamon:
 How to Use: Add cinnamon to your diet by sprinkling it on cereals, adding it to tea, or mixing it with warm milk.
 Benefits: Cinnamon has anti-spasmodic properties and helps regulate menstrual cycles.

4. Sesame Seeds and Jaggery:
 How to Use: Dry roast sesame seeds, grind them into a powder, and mix with jaggery. Take a teaspoon daily in the second half of your menstrual cycle.
 Benefits: Sesame seeds balance hormones, and jaggery promotes menstrual flow.

5. Turmeric:
 How to Use: Mix turmeric in warm milk and drink it daily.
 Benefits: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and hormonal balancing properties.

6. Fennel Seeds (Saunf):
 How to Use: Soak fennel seeds in water overnight, strain, and drink the water in the morning.
 Benefits: Fennel seeds help regulate periods by balancing the female reproductive hormones.

7. Papaya:
 How to Use: Consume ripe papaya or drink papaya juice daily, especially before your expected period.
 Benefits: Papaya induces contractions in the uterus, which can help trigger menstruation.

8. Basil Leaves (Tulsi):
 How to Use: Boil basil leaves in water and drink this infusion daily.
 Benefits: Basil has anti-inflammatory properties and helps regulate periods.

Additional Ayurvedic Tips

• Diet: Follow a balanced diet rich in fiber, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid spicy, oily, and heavy foods that aggravate Pitta.
• Exercise: Regular physical activity, such as yoga, can help in regulating menstrual cycles.
• Stress Management: Practice stress-relieving techniques like meditation and Pranayama.

Ayurvedic Herbs

• Ashoka (Saraca indica): Known for its uterine tonic properties.
• Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): Supports hormonal balance and reproductive health.

Dr. Vaid Ji Femine care plus tablet is a complete natural remedy of female-related disorders. It not only treats female health problems but also keeps the female reproductive system healthy. The tablets consist of several ayurvedic herbs like muramakki, sonth, hara kasis, rajpravartini vati, kikar, nagkesar, ghritkumari and shivlingi which help in balancing hormones and maintaining normal functions of reproductive organs. The herbs have anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory and antioxidant properties. They help in dealing with various disorders such PCOD, Irregular Periods, painful periods, etc. 

• Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa): Useful in regulating menstrual disorders.

Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any herbal remedies to ensure they are suitable for your specific condition.